Marketing Rules!I graduated from university with a degree in geography, but despite still having a passion for learning about the world around me, I begrudgingly hung up my wellies soon after.
I must admit to stumbling into a job in marketing, but from the moment I did, I absolutely knew it was the career for me, and with a sprinkling of technology from the get-go, it was a pretty cool mix of rightness! I spent the next few years working in various positions within a large software house to gain business-wide knowledge, whilst training for professional marketing qualifications (CIM and CAM) at two of the best marketing colleges in the country. With an impressive portfolio of work experience and qualifications, I took a position as marketing manager with the largest business partner for a well known global software company. It was here that I met a wonderful mentor who understood my desire to break free from the safe-thinking of the corporate world. He not only allowed me, but encouraged me, to make my mark on his business, so I threw away the text books and was free to be as inventive and creative as I wanted. I took the company to the final of a national innovation in business award and was subsequently invited to be part of a parliamentary innovation discussion group at Westminster. |
It was around this time that I was approached by the now CEO of Swift Aircraft (you can read about the crazy Swift journey on the About Us page) with an unbelievable opportunity. My interest in aviation has spanned my entire life, I guess since being taken to military airshows from a young age (I even got my Brownie Guide and Girl Guide Aircraft badges!), and my acumen in technology and innovation was a perfect fit. Last year I was awarded Most Influential Businesswoman Marketing Manager 2018: Tech Development UK, for my part in the group, and I have been instrumental in the introduction of the Group's STEM Initiative projects, something that I am extremely proud of - being afforded the opportunity to give something back to future generations is truly the most wonderful experience.
Adding a Marketing and Design agency to the group was mine and Paul's brainchild, and we have never looked back. Being part of TWF is, quite simply, awesome. And, I haven't given the wellies a second glance!
Adding a Marketing and Design agency to the group was mine and Paul's brainchild, and we have never looked back. Being part of TWF is, quite simply, awesome. And, I haven't given the wellies a second glance!